White Lavender Rustic Bouquet
This handmade bouquet is made up from quality artificial silk and dried flowers and will look amazing on your special occassion. The flowers are perfectly finished off with a cream satin ribbon. Your silk flowers will look amazing after your event and will sit nicely in a vase for you to remember your special day years after.
Wedding, Birthday, Anniversary
Bouquet with a mix of dried and artificial flowers, white lavender, astible and seeded Eucalyptus, dried bunny tails
Sizes Include:
size in picture Bridal - 12" wide, height - 30cm, bridesmaid - 10" wide, height -30 cm, flower girl 8" wide, height -30 cm
– if you require a different size or you require matching items please send a message
If your order is urgent, please message me
Why Buy from Claire De Fleurs:
At Claire De Fleurs we put passion and love into each and every item we produce.
Everything we make is handmade and so you may see slight differences which makes them unique to you.
We are a small family run Cornish based retailer and communication with our customers is key so if your order is urgent or you would like a custom arrangement, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to create what you have been looking for.
Your Flowers will come wrapped in tissue paper in a secure box. All our packaging is eco friendly and can be recycled.
After Care Guide:
Once your special occasion is over, you can keep them in great condition by dusting with a feather duster or by a blow of cold air from a hair dryer.
Sometimes we may not be able to source the exact same flowers in the listing. If this does occur we will replace the item with a similar replacement.